Radio and Television
- California Edition – National Public Radio. “Economic Opportunity After the Great Recession: A View from the Golden State”. Vanessa Rancano KQED. September 2016.
- Valley Public Radio- National Public Radio. “New Report: 17 Percent of Valley Teens out of School and Out of Work”. Joe Moore. October 18, 2015.
- Valley Edition. National Public Radio – KVPR. “Poverty in Fresno”. October 13, 2015.
- All Things Considered. National Public Radio. “Florida Puerto Ricans Have a Stake in Immigration Reform”. Amy Kiel WFME. December 12, 2013.
Newspaper and Print Media
- “How Can Improving Reporting Strategies Assist Rural Economic Development?”. Fresno Bee. May 2023
- Fresno State College of Social Science Magazine. “Disconnected Youth a Problem in the San Joaquin Valley. September 7, 2021
- How Does County-Level Immigration Policy Affect Growth of Local Latino Populations?. Los Angeles Times. May 2021.
- The Atlantic. “Colleges have a Guy Problem.” Derek Thompson. September 6, 2021.
- Yes Magazine. “In California’s Drier Future, What’s the Best Investment for Securing Water”. Tara Deaton. July 15, 2021.
- The Week. “Ending DACA could royally screw up the Census. That’s a problem for the GOP”. Edward Burmilla. September 27, 2017.
- American Academy for the Advancement of Science. “$1.6M from NSF to UC Davis to Study Water, Land Use in Disadvantaged Communities”.–fn091417.php
- Fresno State Magazine. “Helping The Valley’s Most Vulnerable Youth”. Spring/Summer 2017.
- Politico. “Evaluating the Presidential Candidates on Labor, Jobs, and Immigrant Workers”.
September 30, 2016. - Workforce. “Obama’s Labor Legacy”. September 15, 2016.
- Fresno State News. “Community Organizations Key to Helping Disconnected Valley Youth”. Kathleen Shock. August 2, 2016.
- Hanford Sentinel. “Many Youth Disconnected From School and Job”. Joseph Luiz. October 15, 2015.
- Porterville Recorder. “Disconnected Youths Rampant in Valley” October 13, 2015.
- The Business Journal. “Study: Up to 17% of Valley Youth Jobless, Out of School”. October 8, 2015.
Online Media Forums
- The Buzz. “Future of Work Summit – Valley Vision”. SVP Sacramento. September 17. 2018.