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Refereed Journal Articles

Visser, M. A., G. Kumetat, and G. Scott. (2024). Drought, Water Management, and Agricultural Livelihoods: Understanding Human-Ecological System Management and Livelihood Strategies of Farmer’s in Rural California. Journal of Rural Studies. Volume 109,

Scott, S., T. Jakobsen, J.F. Rye, and M.A. Visser. (In Press). Labour Migration, Precarious Work, and Liminality. Forthcoming in Work in the Global Economy.

Simpson, S.A., M.A.Visser, and L. Daly. (In Press). Multi-scalar motivations for immigration politics and Policymaking in US cities . Forthcoming in Cities.

Scott, S. and M.A. Visser. (In Press). Constraining Labour: The integration dynamics of working-class horticultural migrants in rural areas of Norway, the UK and the US. Sociologia Ruralis.

Visser, M.A., J. Mullooly, and P. Campos-Melchor. (In Press). The Strength of Formal Weak Ties: The Vital Role of Formal Institutional Networks for America’s Rural Disconnected Youth. Journal of Rural Studies.

Visser, M.A.,  J. Mullooly, and P. Campos-Melchor. (2021). Diversifying, Transforming, and Last Resorts: The Utilization of Community Based Youth Serving Organizations in the Construction of Livelihood Strategies by Disconnected Youth in Rural America. Journal of Rural Studies. 80: 328-336.

Visser, M.A. and S. Simpson. (2018). Determinants of County Migrant Regularization Policymaking in the US: Understanding Temporal and Spatial Realities.Environment and Planning A. 51(1): pp. 91-111. DOI:10.1177/0308518X18797134.

Visser, M.A.(2018). Care Like Kin: Community Based Youth Organizations and the Social Reproduction of Disconnected Youth in Rural America. Forthcoming  in American Journal of Community Psychology. 61(3-4): pp. 472-287 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12244

Visser, M.A. (2018). Restructuring Opportunity: Employment Change and Job Quality in the US during the Great Recession.  Socio-Economic Review. 17(3): 545-572. https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy002

Visser, M.A. (2018). The Color Gradient of Economic Opportunity: Skin Tone Labor Market Segmentation and Economic Opportunity for Puerto Ricans in the US. Forthcoming in  CENTRO Journal.

Visser, M.A. (2018). Beyond Labor Markets and Schools: Community Based Youth Organizations and the Economic Integration of Puerto Rican and Dominican Youth in New York City. CENTRO Journal 30(1): pp. 4-31.

Visser, M.A. and L.E. Guarnizo. (2017). Room for Maneuver: Rethinking the Intersections Between Migration and the Informal Economy in Post-Industrial Economies. Population, Space, and Place. 23(7). DOI: 10.1002/psp.2085

Visser, M.A. (2017). Shedding Light on Economic Opportunity: Skin Tone and Job Quality during the Great Recession. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(9): 1562-1579.

Visser, M.A. (2016). A Floor to Exploitation? Social Economy Organizations at the Edge of a Restructuring Economy. Work Employment and Society. 31(5): 782-799. DOI:0.1177/0950017016638020.

Visser, M.A. (2016). Reshaping Migrant Labor Market Geographies: Local Regularizations and the Informal Economy. 23(7). Population, Space, and Place DOI: 10.1002/psp.2025.

Visser, M.A., N. Theodore, E.J. Melendez, and A. Valezuela, Jr. (2016). From Economic Integration to Socioeconomic Inclusion: Day Labor Worker Centers as Social Intermediaries. Urban Geography  38(2): 243-265

Melendez, M.A. Visser, N. Theodore, and A. Valenzuela. (2016). Day Laborers’ Work Related Injuries: An Assessment of Risks, Choices, and Policies. International Migration 54(3): 5-19.

Visser, M.A. and E. Melendez. (2015). Working in the New Low Wage Economy: Understanding Participation in Low Wage Employment in the Recessionary Era. WorkingUSA 18 (1): pp. 7-29.

Visser, M.A. and H.R. Cordero-Guzman. (2015). Low Wage Workers and Organizing. WorkingUSA 18(1): pp. 1-6.

Melendez, E., R. Borges-Mendez, M.A. Visser, and A. Rosofsky. (2015). The Restructured Landscape of Economic Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Workforce Development Collaborations. Economic Development Quarterly. 49(2):150-166.

Melendez, E., M.A. Visser, N. Theodore, and A. Valenzuela. (2014). Worker Centers and Day Laborers Wages. Social Science Quarterly. 95(3): 835-851.

Visser, M.A. (2014). Two Plus Two Equals Three: The Cost of the Hispanic Undercount in Government Census Surveys. American Review of Public Administration. 44(2): 233-251.

Servon, L., M.A. Visser, and R. Fairlie. (2011). Estimating the Capital Gap for Small Businesses in New York City.  Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management. 23(4): 451-477.

Visser, M.A. and LJ. Servon. (2011). Progress Hindered: The Retention and Advancement of Females in Science, Engineering and Technology Careers. Human Resources Management Journal. 21(3): 272-284.

Visser, M.A. and E. Melendez. (2011). Puerto Ricans in Low Wage Jobs and Labor Markets: The Issues, Trends and Policies. CENTRO Journal. 23(11): 3-28.

Melendez, E. and M.A. Visser. (2011). Changes in the Structure of Low-Wage Labor Markets and Skills Selectivity among Puerto Rican Migrants. CENTRO Journal. 23(11): 46-61.

Servon, L., M.A. Visser, and R. Fairlie. (2010). The Continuum of Capital for Small and Micro-businesses. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 15(3): 301-323.

D’Agostino, M.J. and M.A. Visser. (2010). Administrative Barriers to Youth Civic Engagement,International Public Management Review. 11(3): 88-103.

Visser, M.A. (2007). Surveillance, Infiltration, Threats of Danger: “Contra-vergences” in the Anti-Globalization Movement. Green Theory and Praxis. 3(1): 44-61

Edited Special Issues

Visser, M.A. & L.E. Guarnizo. (2017 -In Press). Migration and the Informal Economy: Interrogating the Implications for Policy and Economic Security of Developed Economies.  Population, Space, and Place: 23(8).

Visser, M.A. & H.R. Cordero-Guzman. (2015). Low Wage Workers & Organizing. WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society. 18(2).

Referred Book Chapters

Visser, M.A. & S.A. Simpson. (2018). Understanding Local Government’s Engagement in Immigrant Policymaking in the US. In  Darling, J. and H. Bauder (eds). From Nation to City: Rescaling Migration, Citizenship, and Rights. Forthcoming from Manchester University Press.

Melendez, E., M.A. Visser, & K. Birson. (2014). The Transition of Puerto Rican Youth to Adulthood. In Melendez, E. & C. Vargas-Ramos (eds.) Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium. CENTRO Press. pp. 144-163.

Working Papers

Kenney, Martin and Visser, M. Anne and Zysman, John, COVID-19’s Impact Upon Labor and Value Chains in the Agrifood System (October 24, 2021). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3949042 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3949042

Public Policy Reports & Briefs

Visser, M.A., Cannon, C., and L. Panyanouvong. 2021. Five Core Areas to Support and
Promote Recovery to Natural Disasters: Insights from Tribal Communities in the Clear Lake Region. Center for Regional Change. University of California, Davis.

Visser, M.A. and S.A. Simpson. (2021). Growth of Local Latino Populations Linked to Increase in County-Level Immigration Policy Adoption. Center for Poverty and Inequality Research: University of California, Davis.

Visser, M.A., L. Panyanouvong and D.J Fiedler-Riddle. (2018) A Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of the Community-Based Mobile Manufacturing of Structural Masonry Using Regional Materials Project: A Report to the USDA. Research Report. United States Department of Agriculture, Small Business Research and Innovation Grant Program/Watershed Materials.

Visser, M.A. (2016).  On the Frontlines: Community Based Organizations and the Economic Integration of  Disconnected Youth in the San Joaquin Valley. Research Report. Institute of Public Anthropology. The California State University, Fresno.

Visser, M.A. (2015). School, Work, and the Transition to Adulthood of Youth in the San Joaquin Valley. Research Brief. Institute of Public Anthropology.  The California State University, Fresno.

Melendez, E., M.A. Visser, R. Plaza, and R. Segura. (2012) The Transition of Puerto Rican Youth to Adulthood. CENTRO Research Brief. Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York.

Melendez, E., A. Valenzuela, N. Theodore, M.A. Visser, and A.L. Gonzalez. (2010). Day Labor Centers and Community Outcomes. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Urban Poverty, University of California, Los Angeles.

Melendez, E., A. Valenzuela, N. Theodore, M.A. Visser, and A.L. Gonzalez. (2010). Differences in the Types of Operations of Day Labor Worker Centers. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Urban Poverty, University of California, Los Angeles.

Melendez, E., A. Valenzuela, N. Theodore, M.A. Visser, and A.L. Gonzalez. (2010). Worker Centers and Day Labor Market Outcomes. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Urban Poverty, University of California, Los Angeles.